This weeks vocabulary: Golf

This weeks vocabulary: Golf 


grand-slam n.
all the important competitions that are held in one year for a particular sport when they are won by the same person


in competition with


leaderboard n.
a display showing the leaders in a competition


play v.
to take part in a sport or game


practice v. n.
repeatedly doing an activity to improve your ability


putting v.
playing a golf stroke used on ‘a green’


round adj. n.
– in the shape of a circle.
A round of golf or a game of golf consisting of playing 18 consecutive holes.


tournament n.
A series of competitions or games in which a number of contestants compete

This vocabulary was taken from an article published by USA Today entitled “Phil Mickelson caps interesting week at Memorial

DUBLIN, Ohio- Finishing his final round just moments after the leaders teed off, Phil Mickelson wrapped up an odd week at Muirfield Village Golf Club with a 1-over-par 73 Sunday to finish well down on the leaderboard at The Memorial Tournament presented by Nationwide Insurance.

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This weeks vocabulary: World Cup

This weeks vocabulary: World Cup draw – group B


champions n.
a person, animal, or team that wins a competition


additional time played at the end of a match


final adj.
last in a series (of games, competitions or matches)
coming at the end of something


forward adv.
towards the direction that is in front of you


kick-off n.
the time when a football match begins


match n.
a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other


qualify v.
If you qualify for something, you are allowed to do it or have it, and if something qualifies you for something, it allows you to do it or have it: such as compete in a football match


rematch n.
something (especially a game) that is played again


second-phase n.
second part or step in a process with many steps


tournament n.
A series of competitions or games in which a number of contestants compete

This vocabulary was taken from an article published by The Guardian entitled “World Cup 2014 draw: Spain and Holland in ‘group of death’

Spain, Holland, Chile and Australia will form the latest World Cup “group of death”, with the opening game of Group B a rematch of the 2010 final..

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This weeks vocabulary: Investment

This weeks vocabulary: Investment 

Catalyst n.

someone or something that causes change

Commercial adj.

relating to buying and selling things

Economic adj.

relating to trade, industry, and money

Education n.

the process of teaching and learning in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this

Engineering n.

the work of an engineer, or the study of this work

Expertise n.


Exports n.

a product that you sell in another country

Finance n.

the control of how large amounts of money should be spent

Foreign adj.

belonging to or coming from another country, not your own

Reserves v.

to arrange to have a seat on an aircraft, a room in a hotel, etc

Revitalize v.

to make something more active or exciting

Trading v.

to buy and sell goods or services, especially between countries

This vocabulary was taken from an article published by China Daily entitled “British lion who stalks China for roaring trade deals

Trade and investment between China and the UK will skyrocket as the world’s second-largest economy increasingly moves into service-based industries including finance and architecture, preeminent British business expert Lord James Sassoon has predicted.A former British government minister and the current chairman of the China-Britain Business Council, Sassoon says the increase in economic ties will be driven by China’s inevitable expansion into industries that align with the UK’s field of financial expertise and commercial experience.

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This weeks vocabulary: Life after football

This weeks vocabulary: Life after football

Legacy         n.

a situation that was caused by something from an earlier time

Obviously     adv.

in a way that is easy to understand or see

Really         adv.

very or very much

Think         v.

to have an opinion about something or someone

British     adj.

Relating to Great Britain or the United Kingdom

Cause         n.

someone or something that makes something happen
Gained         v.

to get something useful or positive

Healthy     adj.

physically strong and well

Heart         n.

the organ inside your chest that sends blood around your body

Help         v.

to make it easier for someone to do something

Retired     adj.

having stopped working, often because you are old

Secretly     adj.

If something is secret, other people are not allowed to know about it

Unbelievable     adj.

extremely bad or good and making you feel surprised

The above vocabulary is related to an interview with David Beckham. He is talking about his family,the Olympics and life after sport. You can find the interview here;  David Beckham Video. You can find the transcript here: David Beckham talks to Sky News

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This weeks vocabulary: Cooking

This weeks vocabulary: Cooking

Blended     v.

to mix two or more things together completely

Crispy         adj.

Crispy food is pleasantly hard and easy to bite through

Divide         v.

to separate into parts or groups, or to make something separate into parts or groups

Handful     n.

the amount of something that you can hold in one hand

Method         n.

a way of doing something, often one that involves a system or plan

Step         n.

any manoeuvre made as part of progress toward a goal

Stir         v.

to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round and round in it

Tightly     adj.

firm and difficult to move

Whip         v.

to beat ingredients vigorously with a blender or a whisk

Gram         n.

a unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.001 kilograms
Iceberg     n.

a leafy green plant used in salads and sandwiches

Ingredients     n.

a component of a mixture or compound

Pancetta     n.

thinly sliced round Italian bacon. Very tasty when diced and fried to flavour recipes.

Recipe         n.

a list of foods and a set of instructions telling you how to cook something

Sauce         n.

a hot or cold liquid that you put on food to add flavour

Step         n.

one of the movements you make with your feet when you walk


n.    any shape that is triangular in cross section

v.    put, fix, force, or implant

Worcestershire         n.

a savory sauce of vinegar and soy sauce and spices

The above vocabulary was taken from an article called ‘How to cook iceberg wedge with blue cheese and bacon‘ which was published in the

Harry Eastwood’s iceberg wedge with blue cheese and bacon
Ingredients (Serves 4) 200g pancetta, cut into small cubes A small, tightly packed head of iceberg lettuce A small handful chives, finely chopped 70g Danish Blue cheese, crumbled Freshly ground black pepper. For the blue cheese dressing: 40g Danish Blue cheese, squashed to a paste with the back of a spoon 30g mayonnaise. 90g sour cream 90g buttermilk; tsp Worcestershire sauce Salt and black pepper

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This weeks vocabulary: Lost Art

This weeks vocabulary: Lost Art  

Abandon  v.

to leave someone or something somewhere, sometimes not returning to get them

According adj.

as said by someone or shown by something


n. the purpose of doing something, and what you hope to achieve
adj. if something is available, you can use it or get it

Coloured adj.

having or producing a colour or colours

Component n.

one of the parts of something, especially a machine

Elegance n.

when someone or something is stylish or attractive in their appearance or behaviour

Embark v.

to begin a journey

Old-fashioned adj.

not modern

Reinvented v.

to produce something new that is based on something that already exists

Rituals n.

an activity or a set of actions that are always done in the same way or at the same time, sometimes as part of a religion

Ruined v.

to spoil or destroy something

Specialist n.

someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject

Subjective adj.

influenced by someone’s beliefs or feelings, instead of facts

Synonymous adj.

If one thing is synonymous with another, they are very closely connected with each other in people’s minds

Technique n.

a particular or special way of doing something

Tradition n.

a custom or way of behaving that has continued for a long time in a group of people or a society

Unanimously adj.

agreed by everyone

Unbiased adj.

characterized by a lack of partiality

Vital adj.

The above vocabulary is from the article ‘The lost art of handwriting’. It was taken from The Guardian (UK)

Too much texting and computer typing has caused many of us to neglect our penmanship.Can a new hi-tech pen help us to achieve written elegance, or is there nothing for it but to practise, practise, practise? Do you remember learning to write?The first scratch of an HB pencil across the fresh page of a new notebook.Repeating endless cursive letters along wide-spaced, pale blue lines.Looping the tail of a ” g “, flicking the line up from the end of an ” m “, arcing it over an ” a ” or an ” o “.

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This weeks vocabulary: Travel

This weeks vocabulary: Travel 

Assume v.
to think that something is likely to be true, although you have no proof

Briefed v.
to give someone instructions or information

Involvement n.
when someone or something is involved in an activity or event

Overhaul v.
to examine a machine or a system carefully and improve it or repair it

Potential adj.

A potential problem, employer, partner, etc may become one in the future, although they are not one now

Precious adj.

very important to you

Producing v.

to make or grow something

Prompt v.

to cause something

Regulation n.
an official rule that controls how something is done

Thoroughly adv.
very carefully

The vocabulary was taken from an article called “Crash sparks concerns over camps” which was published in the China Daily


Government may overhaul the market after three students die in accident, report Yu Ran in Shanghai and Yan Yiqi in Jiangshan, Zhejiang.
The air crash at San Francisco International Airport that killed three Chinese teenagers is likely to prompt changes in regulations governing overseas study tours.

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Vocabulary of the day: Urbanisation

Vocabulary of the day: Urbanisation

Breakneck     adj.

moving at very high speed

Compromising     adj.

A compromising situation, photograph, etc makes people think you have done something wrong


houses built with sustainability in mind, also known as “green” housing.
Forge     v.

to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive people

Globalised     v.

make world-wide in scope or application

Specialising     v.

to spend most of your time studying one particular subject or doing one type of business

Urbanising     v.

make more industrial or city-like

The following words are taken from the article “Designers of the new world” taken from China Daily

In Europe, architects and designers have fewer opportunities to turn their ideas into reality. Developing countries are experiencing a building boom, and sometimes an architectural firm is asked to give ideas on designing part of a city, or even a whole city.

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Vocabulary of day: 3D Bones

Vocabulary of day: 3D Bones

Artificial     adj.

not natural, but made by people

Cervical    n.

the vertebrae located just under the skull at the top of the spine.
Clinical     adj.

relating to medical treatment and tests

Implants     n.

an object placed inside part of your body in an operation, to improve your appearance or treat a medical condition

Metal         n.

a usually hard, shiny material such as iron, gold, or silver which heat and electricity can travel through

Model         n.

someone whose job is to wear fashionable clothes, be in photographs, etc in order to advertise things

Numb         adj.

If a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel it

Orthopaedic     adj.

relating to the treatment or study of bones that have been injured or have not grown correctly

Pores         n.

a very small hole in your skin that sweat (= salty liquid) can pass through

Screw         n.

a small, pointed piece of metal that you turn round and round to fix things together, especially pieces of wood

Simulate     v.

to do or make something which behaves or looks like something real but which is not real

Stiffness     adj.

hard and difficult to bend

Suffering     n.

when someone experiences pain or unpleasant emotions

Three-dimensional (3D)         adj.

having length, depth, and height

Titanium     n.

a light strong grey lustrous corrosion-resistant metallic element used in strong lightweight alloys (as for air-plane parts); the main sources are rutile and ilmenite

Vertebral     n.

to do with the vertebrae in the spinal column or backbone.

The above vocabulary is from the article ‘Printed bones’. It was taken from China Daily

Peking University Third Hospital has recently announced that its new 3-D printed orthopaedic implants have produced good results in clinical trials. Using a printer to produce medical implants, body parts and living organs may sound like science fiction, but it is not. Scientists in a few countries, such as the United States, have used 3-D printing, a process of laying down successive layers of material in different shapes to make a three-dimensional solid object, according to a digital model.

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Vocabulary of the day: Technology Transfer

Vocabulary of the day: Technology Transfer 

Consolidate v.
to make sure that you become more powerful, or that success and achievements continue strongly

Cooperative adj.
willing to help or do what people ask

Effective adj.
successful or achieving the result that you want

Fine-tuning v.
to adjust a gadget or policy until it performs as perfectly as possible

International adj.
relating to or involving two or more countries

Outstanding adj.
excellent and much better than most

Positions n.
the way someone is sitting, standing, or lying, or if something is pointing up or down, etc

Proposed v.
to suggest a plan or action

Substantial adj.
large in amount

Urban adj.
belonging or relating to a town or city

The vocabulary has been taken from an the article Technology transfer is a focus which was posted by China Daily

China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have taken substantial steps to make technology transfer the next focal point for future economic cooperation, Said Wan Gang, minister of science and technology.
A series of policies and infrastructure incentives have been proposed by China as fine-tuning measures to consolidate the China-ASEAN Technology Transfer Center, which was unveiled at the 10th China-ASEAN Expo.

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